Pitt Men's
Glee Club
Glee Club
Hello everyone! My name is CJ Wrightson, and I am the Pitt Men’s Glee Club President for the 2024-2025 school year. This is my third year in the club and I am very excited to tell you about what we have in store coming up!
First, we have two concerts planned this year, one in December and one in April. Our winter concert is planned for December 7th, in conjunction with The University of Pittsburgh Treble Choral Ensemble! Keep an eye out on our Instagram, @pittmensglee, for more updates!
Throughout the semesters we also like to hold different social events. These events allow us to get to know each other better. Whether it’s through competing against one another, or spending an evening playing games together, we always have a fun time! I’m really excited for our upcoming fall retreat, which will be held at Ohiopyle State Park in late September!
Lastly, I wanted to talk about our upcoming tour! In the years I’ve been in the club we’ve sung in California, and just recently we sang in the DC-Baltimore area. This year is going to be even cooler since we will be singing internationally in Europe for the first time post-COVID!
If any of this sounds exciting to you, I highly encourage you to sign up for our auditions! You can either sign up at our table at the Activities Fair on August 25th, or with the link on our homepage. If you have any questions you can email our director, Richard Teaster, at rteaster@pitt.edu.
Hail to Pitt!
CJ Wrightson
Richard Teaster
President: CJ Wrightson
Vice President: Aries Cepeda
Business Manager: Presley Gerena
Secretary: Xavier Ramírez
Social & Outreach Chair: Rory Kaplan
Fundraising Chair: Jacob Shinder
Merchandise Chair: Luke Sandusky
Librarian: Yodahe Fasil
Historian: Carter Sabin
Tour Manager: Zach Zinderman
Social Media Chair: Henry Leavitt
Greenhorn Chair: Nolan Blaze
Nolan Blaze
Joe Breslin
Aries Cepeda
Thomas Eble
Sam Gonzales-Trelles
Rory Kaplan †
Ojas Mishra
Henry Leavitt
Ethan Taylor
† Section Leader
Luke Bailey
Kevin Burkhardt
Yodahe Fasil
Glenn Ferry
Dylan Garagozzo
Jacob Klinedinst
Evan Knott
Ryan O'Connor
Luke Sandusky
Ian Whitaker
CJ Wrightson
Violet Zhou †
Zachary Zinderman
† Section Leader
Hamza Asghar
Vincent Brown
Joe Denham
Presley Gerena
Derek Haeussler
Donovan Hoffman
Max Ludwig
Xavier Ramírez †
Kevin Reed
Jacob Shinder
Mar Stevenson
Natividad Torres
Derin Uyar
† Section Leader
Anthony Arshoun
Luca Assandri
Ryan Bowser
Owen Bearman
Owen Bauer
Sirius Desnoes
Patrick Francis
Nate Ginck †
Liam Glennon
John Logue
Chris Noah
Yoki Salcedo-Hernandez
Carter Sabin
Nick Sobolewski
† Section Leader
We are the oldest extra-curricular organization at the University of Pittsburgh, as well as its first collegiate musical ensemble.
The Club was founded in 1890 by Mr. John L. High. He was a graduate of Amherst College, MA. The group began as a mere octet, consisting of 2 first tenors, 2 second tenors, 2 baritones, and 2 basses. At the time, the school was known as the Western University of Pennsylvania.
In 1891, the University's name was changed to the present one, and the Glee Club Association was merged with the Banjo and Mandolin Clubs. Records show that in 1901, the Club was listed as "purely a student organization, consisting of members of the Glee Club and Mandolin Clubs-It's objective was to stimulate the musical interest among the undergraduates, to promote sociability, to develop the college spirit, and to promote the fair name of 'Old Uni.'" In 1922, the organization was still operating under the combined titles of musical clubs, but in 1923, the group's name was changed to the Glee Club and Ensemble.
In 1926, after performing for a short time with the Dental Chorus (comprised of students from Pitt's Dental School), the Glee Club evolved into the organization it is today.
We faced some difficulties around the turn of the millennium, with the group almost being dissolved completely, but in 1999 our current director, Richard Teaster, took over, guiding the club back to greatness. Today, the Pitt Men’s Glee Club is respected both in the United States and internationally, with multiple concerts each year in Pittsburgh and tours in Atlanta, NYC, LA, Italy, Austria, and many more cities across the United States and Europe.
Location: First Baptist Church of Pittsburgh, 159 N Bellefield Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15213
All University students free with ID at the door
For more, visit our youtube page https://www.youtube.com/user/pittmensgleeclub1890